Power your business with green energy from Saltø Solar Park
Saltø Solar Park benefits CO2 reduction
Saltø Solar Park consists of 88 hectares. The expected annual output of 118 GWh will be producing additional renewable energy to the grid. Renewable energy helps reduce CO2 emissions. Companies can help make this park a reality through Power Purchase Agreements.

Saltø Solar Park benefits the local nature
Saltø Solar Park, situated next to Saltø Å, will transform former farmland into an area free from pesticide use. A constructive dialogue and collaboration with the local community through the design process means that the park's layout has been adjusted to fit the modifications made to the watercourse.
Make use of your renewable energy purchase
By purchasing power from Saltø Park, you can contribute to a sustainable future by supplying the electricity grid with green energy. Offtaking from this solar park means investing in renewable energy on land in an area where there has been constructive and positive dialogue with the local community.